Seedling Pellets were designed to make starting seeds easier and more conveninet for gardeners. Wococo peat pellets, The very best pellet for seed starting! Each one contains weed-free professional grade coco peat. Add water , and the wococo peat pellets quickly swell to 7x its original size to become a perfect self contained pot with its own perfect medium for starting seeds.
Seeds are nurtured within the pellet to germinate faster into young seedings. It is held together by fine netting, ensuring optimum air/water exchange. Roots emerge easily through the porous walls of the pellet as a result of the enhanced air circulation created by the unique design. The superior root development then assures stronger, healthier plants for transplanting .
The wococo pellet - after your plant has started - goes directly into the ground. as a result, no transplant shock occurs, and the plant has full vigor to mature faster. All the young, thender roots remain totally intact. 30mm dia. x 30-40mm H - when expanded.